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We are tearfund Nepal 2017 0 Y6 A8247

Frequently Asked Questions

Later this year TEAR Australia will be returning to its original name Tearfund. Below we respond to a series of Frequently Asked Questions.

What is the primary motivation behind this change?

A more just and compassionate world. Whether it be COVID-19, the unfolding climate crisis or the challenges of entrenched poverty and inequality, our ability to tackle the root causes of systemic injustice, working collaboratively with the church across the globe, is pressing and vital.

We believe that we can more effectively achieve our mission by working collaboratively with the Tearfund family.

It is within this context that TEAR Australia formally changes its name in alignment with the other worldwide Tearfund family members.

What is the history of the name Tearfund?

TEAR Australia was originally formed as TEAR FUND Australia as part of the Australian Evangelical Alliance (AEA) in July 1971. Under the AEA, Tearfund grew to the point that in 1998, and with the blessing of the AEA, TEAR Australia was incorporated as a legally independent organisation.

Now from 1 October 2020 TEAR Australia will again align its name with the worldwide Tearfund family by taking up the name Tearfund.

What will the organisation actually be called?

We are changing from TEAR Australia to Tearfund on 1 October 2020. In Australia we will simply refer to ourselves as ‘Tearfund’, without the need for the national description. Internationally however, and where we find ourselves needing to distinguish ourselves from other Tearfund agencies, we will refer to ourselves as Tearfund Australia.

Does it change how we are contacted?

All our existing phone, email and website details will remain. What we have done is to add additional ‘Tearfund’ addresses for our website and email.

So we can now also be found at

Surely you have better things to do with your money than rebranding!

Wise use of financial resources has always been a big priority for TEAR Australia and the alignment with the Tearfund family will help gain efficiencies, reduce duplication of work, and help us lower a variety of overhead costs – thus allowing us to get even more out of every dollar donated to work of our International partners.

What is the global Tearfund family?

The Tearfund family of agencies share a heritage and common set of values and ways of working as we seek to reduce poverty and injustice in the world.

Today, the worldwide Tearfund family brings together agencies in the UK, US, Canada, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France,, New Zealand, Ireland and Australia.

Find out more

Does including the word ‘fund’ mean you are now more focused on fundraising?

Not at all. When Tearfund Australia was originally established in 1971 it was given two clear purposes: one to provide ‘practical aid in the context of God's love shown in the Lord Jesus’; the other to engage Christians in Australia with the discipleship implications of the good news today. As we move into this new season, we will continue to prioritise these primary purposes.

What does it mean for bank accounts?

TEAR’s bank accounts will reflect TEAR’s legal status, so these will only change if and when TEAR’s legal status changes. Given that at present our legal status remains the same, our bank accounts will too.

How do I get hold of the new logo and branding to update for our use?

If you need to update your TEAR Australia brand assets in preparation for our name and brand change, please email us and we will send you a Brand Asset Pack.

For more information or to be sent a Brand Asset Pack contact – 1800 244 986 or email [email protected]