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Share the Campaign: Call on Coca-Cola and Pepsico to stop being rubbish

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Suggested text, hashtags and images you can use in your own social networks:

I’ve joined @tearaustralia #rubbishcampaign to call on @coca-cola, @nestle, @pepsico & @unilever to take responsibility for the plastic waste they’re creating. To beat poverty and injustice we need to tackle waste. Join me & 50,000 others worldwide taking action.
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Hey @coca-cola, the 8 billion plastic bottles that are being burnt or dumped each year, is not ok 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♂️ It’s time to #stoptherubbish 🗑️ #RubbishCampaign #RenewOurWorld Tweet this.

Hey @PepsiCo, do you like football? ⚽ So do we 🙋 What we don’t like is the 22 football pitches your #plastic pollution covers daily! Will you take responsibility for the rubbish? #RubbishCampaign #RenewOurWorld
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Hey @PepsiCo + @CocaCola, did you know that the amount of your #plastic waste being burned in backyards or open dumps each year emits more greenhouse gas that 1.5 million cars? It’s time to #stoptherubbish 🗑️ #RubbishCampaign #RenewOurWorld
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Join our #RubbishCampaign as we take a stand against 4 of the world’s largest multinational and call on them to #stoptherubbish
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Hey @companyhandle, enough is enough, it’s time to stop the rubbish! 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♂️Will you commit to halving your number of single-use plastics by 2025? #RubbishCampaign #RenewOurWorld

Hey @companyhandle, we have a rubbish problem on our hands 👐 but you can be part of the solution. By 2022, ensure one single-use plastic item is collected for everyone you sell. #RubbishCampaign #RenewOurWorld

Hey @companyhandle, we have a great idea! Could you work with waste pickers to provide employment with dignity? #RubbishCampaign #RenewOurWorld

Hey @companyhandle, we have a rubbish problem, and it’s hitting people living in poverty the hardest. Will you take responsibility for the #plastic waste your products area creating in communities living in poverty? #RubbishCampaign #RenewOurWorld

Hey @PepsiCo, does this👇 look familiar? I think this belongs to you. Will you begin to take responsibility for the plastic waste your products are creating? #RubbishCampaign #RenewOurWorld
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Hey @cocacola, does this👇 look familiar? I think this belongs to you. Will you begin to take responsibility for the plastic waste your products are creating? #RubbishCampaign #RenewOurWorld
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