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'Waste' – A spoken word poem by Joel McKerrow

We know our world has a rubbish problem – and it’s hitting people living in poverty the hardest.

Our amazing Artist Ambassador Joel McKerrow has created a powerful spoken word poem to help us highlight this issue and call for action on plastic pollution.

Watch it here + share in your networks:

Filmed on a former rubbish tip in the beautiful Melbourne suburb of Kangaroo Ground, this film is a creative encouragement to act together to care for God’s creation and show love for our global neighbours.

We’d love you to watch Joel’s incredible poem + help spread the word by sharing in your social media networks!

Logo Campaign Rubbish

This is a Rubbish Campaign

To beat poverty and injustice, we need to tackle waste. Multinational companies could make a big difference to this rubbish situation by taking responsibility for the plastic waste their products are creating. Find out more.

Sign the petition.

Join us in calling on Coca-Cola, Nestlé, PepsiCo and Unilever to take responsibility for their plastic waste in poorer countries.

Sign now

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life— and realise that a desire to follow God in this world demands that you put the care of his creation at the very heart of your way of the way you live.

Joel McKerrow TEAR Artist Ambassador