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Prem Lal Thalu

"I've been set free" - Prem's incredible story

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“36 years ago, I was born into bonded labour. I was not allowed to go to school. I could never free myself from the debt I was born with.

15 years ago, bonded labour became illegal and I was set free. I went with my wife and baby to live in a forest. 500 households shared one water pump.

10 years ago, I broke stones for money. We had a stick house that leaked. Sometimes I drank too much. Sometimes I beat my wife.

5 years ago, I joined a WACT Self-Help Group.

Today, I have a small farm with 7 goats and 8 pigs. I am the treasurer of my group. I can write my name. Government officials come to me to consult about our community. My two sons are at school. I know men and women have equal rights. I do not beat my wife. There is always hope.”

Prem Lal Thalu

WACT (Welfare Association for Children Tikapur) seeks to “share the love of God by reaching out and empowering marginalised communities to sustainably respond to their needs.” In 2020, we expect that Self-Help Groups formed by WACT and other TEAR partners will help over 10,000 people access services that help break the cycle of poverty.

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Melody is the Content Lead at TEAR Australia